Talented Team!

Our staff work really hard every week keeping our customers well-supported and happy. And how do we know they’re doing a great job? Our customers aren’t shy at telling us! That’s how!

What our customers, perhaps, aren’t aware of is that many of our staff are so dedicated to the pursuit of perfect support, technical excellence and first class customer service, that they love to dig deeper, working hard (sometimes into the wee small hours) towards industry-recognised technical qualifications, in what has become a never-ending cycle. Every time Microsoft launches a new product, there’s usually a new exam on the horizon too.

Today, Sam Stevenson (Business Support Technician) succeeded in passing the very challenging Microsoft Managing and Maintaining Windows 8 exam. What’s even more amazing is that Sam’s been hard at work on one of our larger customer’s sites for several months, so fitting in study time has been tricky. Well done, Sam!

We’re really fortunate to have such a fast-moving, talented team here at CloudfreeIT. We (and our customers) would be lost without Sam and all our people. Thanks, Guys!


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