Coronavirus COVID-19 – Remote Access & home-working

Coronavirus COVID-19 – Unprecedented demand for Remote Access solutions to enable home-working

Right now the whole of the UK is preparing for what to do in the event the Government issues the order for all but the most essential workers to stay at home. IT support providers all over the country, and across the world, are already working hard to deliver the necessary software and hardware solutions to enable as many people to work remotely as possible.

IT companies are likely to be operating under a very heavy workload for weeks if not months to ensure all those who need to work from home can do so and that business data security is managed and maintained throughout.

We are working at full tilt to deliver remote access solutions for our valued customers

Please be assured that here at Cosurica we are all working at full tilt to meet the remote access needs of our valued customers. Of course we will be happy to help customers who we haven’t met yet too, but it is our duty to give priority to our long-standing and recently acquired customers.

It is possible there will be delays in the supply chain for some types of hardware (it seems panic buying laptops might actually be a thing now), but we will continue to work with our trusted suppliers to deliver solutions to you as fast as we can.

If you have already put in a request for remote access  for your entire business, or for selected workers in your organisation, please note that we are dealing with these in priority order and we will fulfil your needs as quickly as we can. Taking phone calls and replying to emails from customers chasing us for a delivery date slows us down, so we do appreciate your patience at this time. We will get to everyone in turn.

Please also be aware that in the coming weeks we may have to divert resources away from elective project work onto emergency support, remote access support and onto fulfilling the most urgent remote access requests, so again, your patience will be greatly appreciated. The last thing we need right now is for our hardworking team members to become ill through stress or to catch the coronavirus, so we will be putting their needs high up our list too. We’ve got our plans in place for if we have to self-isolate, so we’re expecting business as usual.

Keep Calm & Stay Safe Everyone. This situation won’t last forever.

Best Wishes from all of us @Cosurica



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